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 Name:41.Twelve Beautiful womanin in Jinling 金陵十二钗 (Delicate strokes silk painting -scroll 工笔绢本)
 Painting core sizes:210*67cm(Full size 260*77cm)
 Creative Age:80年代
 Date of submission:2011-5-15
    The hairpins refer to women. The twelve beautiful women in Jinling are the main characters in Hong Lou Meng (A Dream of Red Mansions). They are all very smart and beautiful, but ha...

 Name:42.A poem named “Lute Song” by Bai Juyi白居易诗意( impressionistic style on Xuan paper-scroll写意)
 Painting core sizes:75*55cm (Full size 85*190cm)
 Creative Age:80年代
 Date of submission:2011-4-19
    Bai Juyi was a famous poet in Tang Dynasty. One autumn night, while seeing off friends on a boat on the Yangtze River, he suddenly heard a loneliness lute tune. The musician was a ...

 Name:43.The dragon’s daughter shepherding 龙女牧羊(paintings with delicate strokes on silk scroll)
 Painting core sizes:78*66cm (Full size 86*190cm)
 Creative Age:90年代
 Date of submission:2011-4-19
    After marriage the dragon’s daughter moved to a place far from her family. Her marriage was unhappy and she was forced to shepherd. Liu Yi, a passerby was going to the capital to t...

 Name:45.The bird Jing Wei trying to fill up the sea精卫局部(paintings with delicate strokes on silk)
 Painting core sizes:76*115cm (Full size 160*62cm)
 Creative Age:90年代
 Date of submission:2011-4-19
    Based on a myth in the remote antiquity of China, the daughter of Yan Emperor was drowned in the East Sea and turned into a bird named Jing Wei. The bird Jing Wei carried pebbles t...

 Name:46.Two urchins fighting to be the winner 双子夺魁 (paintings with delicate strokes on silk scroll)
 Painting core sizes:75*52cm (Full size 136*62cm)
 Creative Age:80年代
 Date of submission:2011-4-19
    This painting shows two urchins’ lovely appearance when they were fighting to be the winner. From the painting, you can see their different expressions and characters, which are cute.

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