Works format:horizontal scroll Name:42.A poem named “Lute Song” by Bai Juyi白居易诗意( impressionistic style on Xuan paper-scroll写意) Painting core sizes:75*55cm (Full size 85*190cm) Creative Age:80年代 Date of submission:2011-4-19 Viewed 8203 Times Works price:0.00¥ Order Online Original image:Click to view
Bai Juyi was a famous poet in Tang Dynasty. One autumn night, while seeing off friends on a boat on the Yangtze River, he suddenly heard a loneliness lute tune. The musician was a lady who used to be a famous star in the Capital. She used the lute to tell her sorrowful life. Her glorious years were past with the time as her beauty faded. Finally she had to lower herself to marry to a merchant, and always be treated bad. Before this story Bai Juyi had not felt depressed since his own departure from the capital. But after he heard the story, the reality of his own demotion sank in. Then he wrote this famous poem with 616 words to express his sympathy and endless feeling. Now the poem becomes an eternal famous chapter. Especially the sentence “Both of us are strangers here, both of us stranded, Does it matter that we've just met, if our hearts understand?” is the most famous rhesis.