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Kuwait art exhibition, Minister of Culture and the China Ambassadors and cultural Counselor Cut the ribbon (Figure)参加中国与科威特建交40周年文化周并举办画展  (19142012.4.19
Art exhibition in Syrian. the Minister of Culture and the China the Ambassador Cut the ribbon (Figure)叙利亚2000画展(图) (15252012.4.19
Iranian art exhibition, the Minister of Culture and the China Ambassador Cut the ribbon (Figure) 伊朗2001画展(图) (15432012.4.19
Qin Bailan on Switzerland the Europe, Carnival, with the artists of the world (Figure)2009与各国艺术家(图) (14762012.4.19
Qin Bailan Jordan painting exhibition, with the Jordanian Minister of Culture and the Chinese Ambassador in the Jordan 2005(Figure)约旦2005画展(图) (15982012.4.19
Qin Bailan Painting Exhibition in Italy 2007 (Figure) 意大利2007画展(图) (13702012.4.19
Qin Bailan Painting Exhibition in Beijing, China 1992 (Figure) 中国北京1992画展(图) (15802012.4.19
Qin Bailan with the Russian Ambassador to China (Figure) 与俄罗斯大使(图) (13582012.4.19
Qin Bailan Painting Exhibition in Hong Kong 1998 (Figure) 香港1998画展(图) (14192012.4.19
Qin Bailan Painting Exhibition in Finland, and the leader of the Finnish Parliament and Cultural Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy (Photo) 与芬兰议会领导人和中国文化参赞(图文) (15932012.4.19
Qin Bailan with her ​​Chinese and foreign students (Figure) 与中外学生在一起(图) (14172012.4.19
Latvian art exhibition, with the Speaker and the ambassadors (Figure)与拉脱维亚议长和两国大使(图) (14022012.4.19
Qin Bailan with the Ambassador of New Zealand in China(Figure) 与新西兰大使(图) (14032012.4.19
exhibition site effect (Figure)巡回画展现场1(图) (14582012.4.19
Exhibition in Egypt, with Egyptian Deputy Prime Minister and the Ambassador of China (Mainland) 与埃及副总理和中国大使(图) (14732012.4.19
Exhibition in Lithuania, with the president and his wife (Photo)与立陶宛总统夫妇(图文) (15272012.4.19
Exhibition site effects 画展现场效果2(图) (14472012.4.19
Qin Bailan with U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman (Figure)与美国驻华大使洪博培(图) (14402012.4.19
2000.Egypt exhibition, Deputy Prime Minister Wali welcoming speech (Figure)埃及画展副总理瓦利致欢迎词(图) (14422012.4.19
Cyprus art exhibition with the President and the Ambassador of China (Photo)与塞浦路斯总统和中国大使(图文) (14332012.4.19
With the German President and the Mayor to sign the 2010 South Africa Football World Cup celebrity donations shoes 应邀与德国总统和市长3人在2010南非足球世界杯名人募捐鞋签名(图文) (15402012.4.19
希腊2000画展(图) (14282011.4.19
土耳其2002画展 (14182011.4.19

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